Monday Made It #4

I'm so behind this week and need to get caught up today!! We had our county fair this past week and it was great! Justin Moore and Thompson Square performed this year and they sounded incredible! Now onto my projects that I have made this week. I'm linking up again with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics . Project #1... My inspiration came from this post she made a book that told about herself for the first day of school. Click on the picture and it will take you to her blog. So I decided to do the same thing. The pages I used are: Mrs. Miller Family Pets Favorite Books My Favorite Things Here is my version. Project #2... I found this idea through Tara from her last Monday Made It. She used the Beach Ball poke game with multiplication. I went to the website of FlapJack Educational Resources and found the game Factor Pair Flip Flops. This game is similar but you have think of the factors that equal the number they give you. I made two g...